It plays a major role in the defense mechanism of the body.
As a fluid connective tissue, messenger and transporter the blood also performs the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue damage.Other than imparting immunity to the organism, the blood is also very important in the self repairing mechanism of the body called as Coagulation. This liquid connective tissue is called as Blood. The transport of vital nutrients, oxygen, and drugs and even the waste material, gases etc occur in the body through a liquid connective tissue. Here the transport of the nutrients, oxygen and other beneficial substances occurs from the source organs to the cells via blood and likewise the transport of waste materials, metabolites, harmful gases (including CO2) occur from the cells to the blood. It basically is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the cells of the body. Other than the basic transportation function of the supply of oxygen, nutrients and removal of wastes there are also some very vital biological functions performed by the blood. Clotting helps repair and heal the injuries on the surface of the body (and also inside the body). The clot hence formed as a result of this process seals an open wound in order to stop bleeding and prevents blood loss. Blood performs many immunological functions like circulation of white blood cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies.
It basically is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the cells of the body. Other than imparting immunity to the organism, the blood is also very important in the self repairing mechanism of the body called as Coagulation. It plays a major role in the defense mechanism of the body. Blood performs many immunological functions like circulation of white blood cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies. This liquid connective tissue is called as Blood. Other than the basic transportation function of the supply of oxygen, nutrients and removal of wastes there are also some very vital biological functions performed by the blood. The transport of vital nutrients, oxygen, and drugs and even the waste material, gases etc occur in the body through a liquid connective tissue. As a fluid connective tissue, messenger and transporter the blood also performs the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue damage.Here the transport of the nutrients, oxygen and other beneficial substances occurs from the source organs to the cells via blood and likewise the transport of waste materials, metabolites, harmful gases (including CO2) occur from the cells to the blood. Clotting helps repair and heal the injuries on the surface of the body (and also inside the body). The clot hence formed as a result of this process seals an open wound in order to stop bleeding and prevents blood loss.