Private and Public members names obfuscation scrambles names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly members.
It makes assembly code reverse engineering much harder by obfuscating names. If you are sure some of public members are not to be accessed from outside, you may want to obfuscate them.
For exe executables you may consider the assemblies to be self-contained, and set obfuscation of all possible names very aggressively, including Public Members.Some Skater settings allow to generated names that will prevent recompilation.
Public members in dll libraries are advisedly reserved from obfuscation because they are intended to be used in external assembly code.
Private and Public members names obfuscation scrambles names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly members. If you are sure some of public members are not to be accessed from outside, you may want to obfuscate them.
For exe executables you may consider the assemblies to be self-contained, and set obfuscation of all possible names very aggressively, including Public Members.It makes assembly code reverse engineering much harder by obfuscating names. Some Skater settings allow to generated names that will prevent recompilation.
Public members in dll libraries are advisedly reserved from obfuscation because they are intended to be used in external assembly code.