How to use Private Keys Depot on Skater Vault Cloud?
To use Private Keys Depot on Skater Vault Cloud, follow these steps:
Install Skater.
Cloud.Vault: You can find it on the NuGet Gallery. This library provides a convenient interface for making calls to the Private Keys Depot.
Create a Private Key: Use the API to create a new private key in the depot. This involves specifying the key's properties and storing it securely.
Manage Keys: You can retrieve, modify, and delete keys as needed. The API allows you to get all keys, update their properties, and remove specific keys from the depot.
Integrate with Your Application: Incorporate the Skater.Cloud.Vault library into your .NET application to manage keys seamlessly. This ensures your app can securely access and use the keys stored in the depot.
For detailed instructions and examples, you can check out the GitHub repository that demonstrates Private Keys Depot integration with a .NET Windows Forms application. This will give you a practical understanding of how to implement and use the service effectively.