You have to replace the DEMO_AuthenticationID with your production registered ID.
You can retrieve the suggested diagnoses list by applying GET request:
This is the last GET request listed in https://www.postman.com/collections/7445d89fda1d633e08dd Postman collection provided by us.
The 9999 is Id supplied with your POST statement. After you successfully send the POST request, Diagnosis API system starts to generate list of Possible Health Conditions. Please generate unique Ids since your clinical decision system's users may access simultaneously.
This is an alive example of implementation. We get this according to the complex statistical algorithms we use to make medical diagnosis.
Learn Diagnosis API: http://smrtx.com/ApiDoc_index.html. SmrtX provides an API (Application Programming Interface) for patient preliminary medical diagnosis that can help you implement an intelligent symptom checker and Lab Test analyzer for your healthcare medical application.When you incorporate Diagnosis API within your healthcare web-application it will have the same functionalities like presented in DDxHub Diagnosis System (https://ddxhub.azurewebsites.net/). By testing the DDxHub Diagnosis System you can see how global companies, as well as startups, have used it to enhance their business and support surrounding their patients and healthcare organizations.
When you transmit to our web service a basic patient health data (such as Blood test results and symptoms), our AI inference engine will analyze the data and provide you with a list of the most likely health conditions.