The DDxHub System (Differential Diagnosis Hub) is a clinical decision support tool that helps healthcare professionals link patient symptoms with relevant lab tests to narrow down potential diagnoses.
Here's how it works:
How DDxHub Links Symptoms with Lab Tests:
Symptom Input:
Users input patient symptoms (e.g., fever, fatigue, abdominal pain).
Differential Diagnosis Generation:
The system generates a list of possible conditions based on the symptoms.
Lab Test Recommendations:
Suggests specific lab tests to confirm or rule out diagnoses (e.g., CBC for infection, TSH for thyroid issues).
Result Interpretation:
Helps interpret lab results in the context of symptoms to refine the diagnosis.
Dynamic Updates:
Continuously updates the list of potential diagnoses as new lab results or symptoms are added.
Symptoms: Fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance.
Potential Conditions: Hypothyroidism, anemia, depression.
Recommended Lab Tests: TSH, Free T4, CBC, Iron studies.
Diagnosis: Based on lab results (e.g., elevated TSH confirms hypothyroidism).
Improves diagnostic accuracy.
Saves time by prioritizing relevant tests.
Reduces unnecessary testing.
This system is particularly useful in complex cases where symptoms overlap across multiple conditions.