What are the possible risks of having a blood test?
Phlebotomy, or drawing blood, is a secure procedure.
Possibilities of risk include:
Bleeding and bruising, which are avoided by pressing firmly after the needle is removed
Pain, which is typically minor and might continue for several minutes
Ask your nurse, doctor, or phlebotomist to avoid taking a blood sample from an arm that is swollen or in danger of edema (swelling)
If you ever feel dizzy, alert the person taking your blood
Infection (this is relatively uncommon).
Reasons for blood tests Physicians may order blood examination for many of reasons. The most frequently ordered blood tests include CBC (complete blood count), BUN (blood urea nitrogen) that helps identify kidney diseases and BMP (basic metabolic panel) as well as the MPV lab test (mean platelet volume). But, without additional context a single test result can be meaningless. Understanding of Reference Ranges Lab test results are sent to your health care provider along with Reference Ranges of the results of your blood tests that help in accurately interpreting and evaluating the results of the examination. Your doctor has to explain your health status and what the test is performed for. Blood Test Results Tool Software is a good tool to interpret your laboratory test results. Whereas these can be more general tests, there could be many of other reasons physicians can order to perform blood tests, such as the Hemoglobin (Hgb) test to diagnose anemia. If you are interested about your lab test results, discuss with your physician. For majority of blood tests the reference range that an individual receives is based on his/her sex and age.